Email: jdlwdyx@sina.com
Male, born in Xiantao in Hubei Province in April 1985. Professor and PhD supervisor of the School of Philosophy and Sociology of Jilin University and the associate dean of the Northeast Revitalization and Development Institute of Jilin University. Associate director of the Department of Sociology of Jilin University, and the director of the teaching and researching section of Sociology.
2011: A visiting student in the Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University.
2012: A PhD degree at the Department of Sociology of Jilin University and stayed in Jilin University as a teacher.
2013-2019: One of the researchers in the postdoctoral program of the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
2015: He was promoted to associate professor.
2019: He was so luckily to be exceptionally promoted as professor.
Research Interests
Urban Grassroots Governance, Charity Transformation and Local Practice of Social Work.
1. Manufacturing Boundary: Urban House Owners Action and Community Order in Riotous Profusion, Beijing: Social Sciences Archives Press, January 2018.
1. The New Trend of East Asian Social Development and Extend of Research Limits, Social Science Front, September 2019.
2. From the Actions of Safeguarding Rights to Order Construction: Restoration and Reconstruction of Community Order in the Protection Post-owner Rights Period, Study and Practice, Issue 1, 2015.
3. From “De-unitization’’ to “De-community”-The “Problem”and “Solution”of the Reintegration of Urban Grassroots Society, Academic Forum, Issue 6, 2011.
4. Face the “Bottom” and “Deep Presence”: The Sociological Standpoint of a Transitional Society and the Care for the Bottom, Fujian Forum (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition), Issue 3, 2011.
6. Actors in the Absence or the Reversion: Turn to the Daily Life and Consciousness of the Methodology of Studies on the Block Neighborhood Politics, Nanjing Social Sciences, 2010, Issue 7.
7. Practicing Logic and Double Dimension of the Neighborhood Politics in Blocks’ Daily Life - A Community Residents’ Committee - Entered Analysis, Zhejiang Social Science, 2010, Issue 4.
8. From “Citizen Participation” to “Mass Participation” - Transcending Paradigm and Practical Logic of Community Participation in Urban During Social Transformation, Zhejiang Social Sciences, 2008, Issue 1.
9. Community Construction in the Cities’ Grass-roots During Social Transformation—in the Perspective of Social Capital, Southeast Academic, 2006, Issue 5.
10. Social Capital in Urban Grassroots Communities: Ethical Modeling and Reconstruction in Transformation , Chongqing Social Sciences, 2006, Issue 6; edited by Xinhua Digest, Issue 16, 2006.
11. Community Public Goods Production From the Perspective of Institution Transformation—From Work Unit System to Community System, Issue 5, 2006.