Dr Heng Lu is a Professor, and vice dean of school of Philosophy and Sociology ,Jilin University. He was a visiting research fellow in Institute of Social Development and Politics Research , Seoul National University, South Korea in 2017.The core research interest of Heng Lu’s work has been the social reconstruction of declined community and region in Asia, publicness and urban-rural social development.
Email : luheng@jlu.edu.cn
Articles in Periodical Academic Journals
1. Rural public ceremony and publicness reconstruction: Based on the rain worship of village A in Northeast China. Journal of China Studies(Pusan National University, Korea).Vol21.No.1.2018
2.Community Resilience and Reconstruction of Declined Urban Community, Social Science,6(2017).
3.The new migrant farmer in Urban region, Study and Practice, 4(2017).
4.“The Analysis on Inner Relation Between Publicity and Social Development”, Social Science, No.9 (2017)
5.The development of rural social work based grassroot society. The front line of social science,2(2017)
6. “Real Estate and Class Solidification of Society: Reading Real Estate Class Society”, Society, No.4(2014).
7. “The Category of Urban Slum and Community Building In North-east China”, Social Science Edition of Jilin University Journal, No.5(2013).
8. “Working Poor and Rethinking with Chinese Perspective”, Social Science Front, No.8(2013).
9. “The Formation of Urban Slum and the Publicity Crisis in the Northeast China——the Case of Dong An Slum in Changchun city”,Social science Edition of Science and Engineering East China University Journal, No.3(2013).
10. “The Risk of Publicity and Transition in the Society of South Korea”, Northeast Asia Forum, No.3(2013).
11.”Working Poor and Social Risk ——the Case of the Youth Poor in South Korea”, Youth Study, No.3(2012).
12. “The Underclass and the Social Order of Urban Slum: The Review On Urban Slum Research ”,Guizhou Social Sciences, No.4(2009).
13. “Daily Life and the True Expression of Underclass—Reading Female Workers 1970: Their Anti-History ”,Sociological Studies, No.6(2008).
Lu heng.2016. Publicness Transition and Social Development: Based China and South Korea. Social Sciences Academic Press China
Translated Books(from Korean to Chinese )
1. Song Nag-gu.2012.Real Estate Class Society(부동산 계급사회), Yilin Press, Nanjing, China(translation published by arrangement with Humanitas Publishing South Korea)
2. Yee Jaeyeol.2019. Social Quality in South Korea: From Theory to Localization(한국사회의질:이론에서 적용까지), Social Sciences Academic Press China
Translated Book Chapters (from Korean to Chinese )
1. Jun Sang-in, 2015. “From Exogenous to Partnership Enterprise City: Based POSCO and Po Hang City Relation.” Tian Yi-peng(eds), Bringing the Danwei Back In: The Review and Outlooking of Danwei Research China and Foreign Countries, Social Sciences Academic Press(China)
2. Jeong Har-Young, 2015. “China’s Organization Culture: Familism Based Danwei” ,Tian Yi-peng(eds), Bringing the Danwei Back In: The Review and Outlooking of Danwei Research China and Foreign Countries, Social Sciences Academic Press(China).
3. Kim Won,2009. “The Female Worker’s Daily Life in Industrialization Time of South Korea: Based On Family, State and Gender” ,Li You-mei, Sun Li-ping, Shen Yuan(eds), The Standpoint and Method of Transitional Society Research, Social Sciences Academic Press(China).
이름: 루헝
전공: 발전사회학, 지역사회학, 위험사회연구 ,사회회복력연구
연구실 : 길리대학교 철학과사회학대학(동영빌딩 917호)
이멜: luheng@jlu.edu.cn
2004 중국길림대학교 사회학과 졸업
2009 중국길림대학교 사회학과 박사졸업
2009.7-현재중국길림대학교철학과사회학과대학 사회학과 조교수,부교수,교수
2017.2-9. 한국서울대학교 사회발전연구소 방문학자
2016. 동아시아 공공성 변동과 사회발전, 중국사회과학문헌출판사
2019, 한국사회의질: 이론에서 적용까지, 중국사회과학문헌출판사
2012, 부동산계급사회, 중국이림추란사