SHeng Chuanjie, male, was born in Wuhu City, Anhui Province in 1982.
2003: He got his undergraduate degree in the School of Public Administration of Nanjing Normal University
2007: He received his bachelor's degree in law.
2010: He got his master's degree in the Philosophy Department of Tsinghua University and received his master's degree in philosophy. At the same time, he went to England to do his Ph.D. degree in the Classical Department at the University of Leeds.
2015: He received his Ph.D. in western ancient philosophy.
2016: He started a lectureship in the Department of Philosophy at the School of Philosophy and Society, Jilin University.
Research Interests
Ancient Greek Philosophy, History of Western Philosophy
1. New Ways of Thinking on Meno’s Paradox, Philosophical Trends, 2016, Issue 2, Pages 70-77.
2. Is Socrates Disrespectful to God?: “ΔΑΙΜΟΝΙΟΝ” in “Apology”, World Philosophy, 2016, Issue 2, pp. 83-90.
3. Definitions in Republic Under the View of Desire, Ethical Studies, 2016, Issue 2, Pages 28-34.
4. “Why Suicide is Not Allowed? ”: Suicide Difficult in Phaedo and Myth, A Study of Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy, Vol. 1, 2016, Pages 27-56.
1. National Social Science Foundation Youth Project, the study on ethics of ancient Greek city-state and civic virtues, as a participant.
2. Hunan Social Science Fund, study on the analyzing methods of moral concepts, as a participant.
1. CSC, 2010-2013
2. Department of Classics Scholarship, University of Leeds, 2010-2015