Xinwei Pu(1976- ), Ph.D. in Sociology, Post Ph.D. in Public Administration, once the visiting scholar in Duke University, who is simultaneously a professor, a Ph.D. supervisor and a secretary of the CPC branch at Jilin University, School of Philosophy and Sociology, now serves as a Council Member of all the Pension Branch of the CAOSS, the Aging Sociology Committee of the Chinese Sociological Association, the Social Governance Committee and the China Disability Research Society; an executive director of the Gerontological Society of Jilin Province; an honorary research fellow of the Organization Department of the Sichuan Provincial Party; and an evaluation expert of the National Social Science Fund of China. With 6 books of various kinds and more than 20 journal works in CSSCI published, 16 projects under lead, which particularly involved 6 ones that adopted by the Social Science Division of the Ministry of Education, Department of Internal Affairs of the Municipal People's Congress of Changchun City, National Health Select Committee and other government departments, amongst both the National Social Science Fund Projects and the Youth Projects of the Ministry of Education, she has won the third prize of the Jilin Province Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award and the first prize of the National Research on Aging Policy, as well as been selected as the "Goodwill Ambassador" to assisting elderly in Jilin Province, the outstanding CPC member and the focus of Outstanding Young Teacher Training Program of Jilin University.