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author: Date: 2020-11-25 View:

Titles:Professor in philosophy of science and technology, doctoral supervisor

Office: 454 Kuang Yaming building


Tel: 13331755117

Brief introduction

Basic information

Li Hai-feng,Male, ethnic Han Chinese,was born in Heilongjiang Province in March,1964.


Ph.D,professor and doctoral supervisor of School of philosophy and society, Jilin University

Standing director,the Earth Science Department of China dialectics of Nature Research Association

Chief expert,the enterprise economy Research Institute of the development research center of Jilin Provincial People's government

Vice president,the Research Association of natural dialectics of Jilin Province


In 1993, he joined the Institute of science and technology of Northeast Asia and was engaged in the research of knowledge industry

In 1995, he entered the school of philosophy and society of Jilin University to study for a doctor's degree in philosophy and technology

In 2001, he received a doctor's degree in philosophy

In 2006, he was promoted to Professor

Research areas:

1. Philosophy of science,

2. Philosophy of nature,

3. science and technology and Society (STS).

Main works

1.Science and truth (Changchun press, 2003)

2.Gene age (Changchun press, 2003)

3.Research on network economy (Heilongjiang People's publishing house, 2004)

4.Classic theory of western philosophy of Science (Jilin People's publishing house, 2009)

6.A review of Wittgenstein's philosophy of language (China Social Sciences Press, 2012)

7.Kant (Changchun press, 2013)

8.Heidegger (Changchun press, 2013)

Stands for thesis

1.Re understanding dialectics of nature from the evolution of human thinking mode (Research on Dialectics of nature, 2002)

2.Subject and object of scientific cognition (Science, technology and dialectics, 2002)

3."The scientific origin of philosophical digestion movement" (Journal of Jilin Normal University, 2004)

4.Poetic existence: Philosophical Interpretation of postmodern construction concept (Research on Dialectics of nature, 2005)

6.Why "nature" is "Dialectics" (Science, technology and dialectics, 2007)7.The unity of abstraction and concreteness: the philosophical value of Whitehead's "event" theory (Journal of Social Sciences, Jilin University, 2009)

8."The relationship between belief in nature and social science" (2013)

Teaching situation

1.Philosophy of science, undergraduate course(junior spring semester)

2.Science and technology and society: Science and technology revolution and industrial upgrading, undergraduate coursespring semester of freshman

3.Plosophy of science" research, postgraduate course (ne autumn semester)

4.Rsearch on the history of scientific thought, master's course (the second autumn semester)

5.Rsearch on contemporary natural philosophy, doctoral course (the second autumn semester)
