Name : Gao Shenchun, Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor
Office: Room 442, Kuangyaming Building
E-mail: gsc@jlu.edu.cn
Basic information: Gao Shenchun, Ph.D. in philosophy, was born Sept. 1966 in Lujiang, Anhui Province. He is now professor and Ph.D. supervisor in the School of Philosophy and Sociology, Jilin University. He was a visiting scholar to Harvard-Yenching Institute during the academic year 2003-2004. He is now President of Chinese Psychological Association’s Division of Theoretical Psychology and History of Psychology. He has been an executive member of Chinese Association of Social Psychology from 2006, and Vice-president of Jilin Province Psychological Association from 2009.
Educational background and career promotions: During 1984 - 1988, Gao Shenchun received his undergraduate education in Nanjing university and earned his Bachelor of Science degree. In 1991 he enrolled in the Department of Philosophy, Jilin University for graduate study and got a Master’s degree in Philosophy. He then worked as a part-time student in the School of Philosophy and Sociology, Jilin University to pursue his doctorate education and got his Ph.D. in philosophy in 2000. From 1994 he has been a faculty member in the same institute, starting as an assistant professor. During the years he was promoted to a lecturer in 1996, an associate professor in 1999, a full professor in 2004. In 2005, he was elected as a Ph.D. student supervisor.
Research interests and academic achievements: Professor Gao’s research interests include Phenomenology, Philosophical Psychology, Epistemology, and Philosophical Foundations of Cognitive Sciences. He came to phenomenology by way of psychology. In the early years of his career, he did a historically systematic investigation into the theoretical foundations of psychology. This led him to phenomenology as represented by Edmund Husserl as well as such figures as Franz Brentano and William James. The results were represented by his 2 books and more than 80 journal papers. Furthermore, he has translated more than a dozen books such as Sigmund Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams into Chinese. He has completed several research projects from different kinds of Foundations, such as The National Social Science Fund of China, the Humanities and Social Sciences Fund of the Ministry of Education, and Jilin Province Social Science Fund. The titles of those projects were, respectively, An Investigation into Husserl’s Phenomenological Psychology (2015), An Anthropological-philosophical Critic of Evolutionarilly-based Psychological Thoughts (2010), Husserl’s Phenomenology and the Modernization of Psychology (2008).
Teaching Commitments: For undergraduate students, Professor Gao teaches the courses of A Critical Introduction to Husserlian Phenomenology and Readings in Classics of Western Philosophy with a special emphasis on Franz Brentano, Edmund Husserl, William James, Ernst Cassirer. For Master degree graduate students, he teaches Theoretical Psychology, and for Ph.D. students, he teaches courses of Husserl’s Phenomenology and Frontiers in Cognitive Sciences.