associate professor, Ph. D supervisor in the School of Philosophy and Sociology, Jilin University.
Email: 511620301@qq.com.
Research direction:theory of welfare state and theory of social policy.
Education: 2012--Ph. D in law majoring in social security;
2008--Master’s Degree in law majoring in sociology.
Working Experience:
2012-2015: lecturer in the Department of Labor and Social Security.
2015-now: associate professor.
2019: qualified for a doctoral supervisor.
Teaching experience: Theory of Social Welfare for sophomores and Theory of Social Security in Foreign Countries for juniors.
Publications: having published one monograph and 17 articles in CSSCI journals, including:
1. Understanding of Giddens'" Reflective " Concept. Learning and Exploration, 2010(5).
2. Weber's Abstinence Theory on the Origin of Capitalism and Sambart's Theory of Luxury and the Logical Relationship. Journal of International Relations Institute, 2010(6).
3. Construction of Zimmer's Formal Sociological Object and Its Methodological Significance. Social Sciences Series, 2012(2).
4. On the Innovative Comprehensive Model of Giddens’ Construction of Structural Theory —— Beyond the Dual Opposition of Traditional Sociological Theory. Social Science Front, 2012(5).
5. The Humanistic Dimension of Contemporary Chinese Social Security Concept. Theoretical Discussion, 2014(6).
6. From "People-based" to "Human-oriented "—— Traditional and Contemporary Changes of Chinese Social Security Thought with Confucianism as the Core. Social Sciences Series, 2015(5).
7. Theoretical Basis for Giddens’ Idea of Social Welfare. Journal of Humanities, 2016(8), reprinted in Chinese Social Sciences Digest, 2017(1).
8. Crisis and Reconstruction of Capitalist Welfare Countries. Foreign Theoretical Dynamics, 2017(8).
9. Structural Contradictions in Capitalist Welfare States. Social Science Front, 2018(11), reprinted in Chinese Social Sciences Digest, 2019(4), and Photocopy Materials of the NPC, 2019(1).
10. Two-way Communication - Circular Correction: Network Interaction Analysis Framework for Social Policy Process. Theoretical Discussion, 2019(5).
11. Re-discussion of the Direction of Welfare States: Self-reflective Crisis of Private Ownership and Representative Democracy. Contemporary World and Socialism, 2019(5).
12. On the Right-turn of Capitalist Welfare States: Analytical Frame and Proof for De-Commercialization Indicators. Foreign Theoretical Dynamics, 2019(11), reprinted by Photocopy Materials of the NPC, 2020(3).
13. Discrimination in Insurance in Supplementary Commercial Insurance: Social Exclusion and Its Reproduction —— Taking the Dilemma of Insurance for Persons with Disabilities as an Example. Social Sciences Journal of Jilin University, 2020(1).
Research projects: having chaired seven projects, including:
1. National Youth Project for Social Sciences “Studies on Structural Contradictions in Welfare Policies of Current European Social Democratic Parties and Developmental Orientations”, 2018.
2. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Project ( Special grant) “Improvement or Reconstruction----Development and Evolution of Giddens’ Idea of Social Welfare”, 2015.
3. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Project (Second-class funding) “Studies on Giddens’ Idea of Third-way Social Welfare”, 2014.
4. Project funded by Jilin Federation of Trade Unions “A Study on the Protection of Labor Welfare Rights and Interests in China in the Context of Economic Globalization”, 2016.