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Department of Philosophy


Associate Professor

author: Date: 2020-11-23 View:


Ph.D., Associate Professor, Doctoral Supervisor


Work Experiences

2020-, Young Scholar of Kuang Yaming Scholar, Jilin University

2019-, Deputy Director of Department of Philosophy, Jilin University

2018-, Post Doctor, Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

2018-, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Jilin University

2016-2018, Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Jilin University 


Learning Experiences                                          

2013-2016, PhD in Marxist Philosophy, Jilin University

2011-2013, Master of Marxist Philosophy, Jilin University

2007-2011, Bachelor of Philosophy, Jilin University


Research Interests                                            

Relationship between philosophy and science


Historical Materialism


Representative Works                                          

(1) Modern Materialism: NO Longer A Philosophy But A World Outlook, China Social Sciences Press, 2020.

(2) On an Interdisciplinary Interpretation of Das Kapital, Philosophical Researches, No. 8, 2017:11-17.

(3) On the Dividing Between Science and Philosophy from the View of Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica and Hegel’s Die Naturphilosophie, Studies in Dialectics of Nature, No. 12, Vol. 33, 2017: 60-64.

(4) A Defense of Tarski’s Theory of Truth: Discussing with Professor Chen Xiaoping, Studies in Logic, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2014: 87-104.

(5) “Engels’ Theory of ‘Basic Question of Philosophy’ and Marxist Philosophy”, Modern Philosophy, No. 4, 2020: 25-31.

(6) The Meaning of Materialist in the Materialist Conception of History: A Cognitive Approach, Modern Philosophy, No. 5, 2017: 31-37.

(7) Why Is Modern Materialism Not Philosophy?, Humanities & Social Sciences Journal of Hainan University, Vol. 36, No. 5, 2018: 103-111.

(8) Science or Wissenschaft as A Standard: Discussing with Professor Deng Xiaomang, Philosophical Analysis, Vol. 8, No. 3, 2017:145-151.



The First Prize of the 9th Young Teachers Teaching Level Competition of Jilin University

The Second Prize of the 8th Young Teachers Teaching Level Competition of Jilin University

The First Prize of the 8th Changchun City Social Sciences Outstanding Achievement Award

The Prize of Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Jilin Province

The Prize of Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Jilin University

One of the 1th Top Ten Graduate Students of Jilin University

National Scholarship for Doctoral Students

National Scholarship for Postgraduates                                    



Undergraduate Courses:

On Philosophy; An Overview on Philosophy of Science

Postgraduate Course:

Scientism in Philosophy

