Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Main Research Areas
Population Migration and Floating, Population Health, Maternal Health Care, Population Policy, Aging Population.
Work Experience
Jilin Unversity School of Philosophy and Sociology, 2018
Ph.D. in Demography, Renmin University of China, 2018.
M.A. in Demography, Central University of Finance and Economics, 2015.
B.A. in Sociology, Central University of Finance and Economics, 2012.
Jing Qi and Zhuoyan Mao. 2020. “A Study on Fertility Support Policy from the Perspective of Life Course,” Journal of Fujian Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2(2020)112-121.
Jing Qi and Xiaoyu Ren. 2019. “Bibliometric Analysis of Research Hot Topics and Trend of National Student Loan Policy: 1999-2018” Lanzhou Xuekan, 8(2019)135-145.
Jing Qi and Zhuoyan Mao. 2018. “The Effect of Health Intervention on Health Knowledge, Attitude and Practice among Middle-aged and Elderly People in Rural China,” Population Journal, 2(2018)34-47.
Jing Qi, Zhuoyan Mao, and Xiaoju Shen. 2018. “Demands of Maternal Health Care for Women Who Had Given Birth to the Second-child and Their Influencing factors: The Case of Beijing,” Population & Development, 2(2018)85-93.
Jing Qi and Xiao Zheng. 2018. “A Study on the Influence of Health on the Urban Residence Intention of Floating Population,” The World of Survey and Research, 4(2018)32-38.
Baochang Gu, Xiao Zhu, and Jing Qi. 2017. “How Many Years Would You Work in Your Life?: A Demographic Analysis on Retirement Age,” Population & Economics, 3(2017)1-13. Reprinted By Chinese Social Science Digest in 10(2017)138-139.
Jing Qi, Zhuoyan Mao, and Baochang Gu. 2017. “Demand Analysis of Maternal Health Care for Beijing Women Who Given Birth to the Second-child,” Chinese Journal of Family Planning, 2(2017)88-92.
Jing Qi and Yinfeng Zhang. 2015. “The Youth Population Development Trend between China and United Stated at the beginning of the New Century,” Youth Exploration, 6(2015)50-57.
Zhihong Ding and Jing Qi. 2013. “How to Pay Attention to the Supporting Problem of the Losing-single-child Family” Lanzhou Xuekan, 9(2013)70-75.
Jiawei Hou and Jing Qi. 2011. “Analysis of the Economic Activity of Chinese Youth Before and After the Financial Crisis,” China Youth Study, 12(2011)39-46.
Jing Qi. “The Second Chapter Fertility Intention and its Changing Trend,” Population Structure Change and Social and Economic Development, China population press, 2018.
Jing Qi. Time Distance from Love to Marriage, The Development Report on Chinese Youth: Marriage in Social Stratification, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2017.
Jing Qi. Chapter 14 Population, Health and Environment, Introduction to Sociology (3rd Edition), Posts & Telecom Press, 2014.
Research Projects
A Special Research Project in Northeast China, Study on the Vulnerability and Risk Coping Mechanism of Families in Northeast China in Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia, 2020.
General Support of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Research on Cumulative Health Disadvantage and its Influencing Factors of Elderly Women from the Perspective of Life Course, 2019.
National Health and Health Commission, Study on the Evaluation of China's Fertility Support Policy in the context of universal Two-child,2019.
Jilin Social Science Fund, Research on the Status, Causes, and Countermeasures of Brain Drain in Jilin Province Under the Background of Social Mobility, 2019.
Major Project of National Social Science Fund, Comparative Study on Social Policies for Rural Revitalization in East Asia, 2018.
Oxfam Hong Kong, Research and Advocacy Project on Active and Healthy Aging of Elderly Women from the Perspective of Family, 2018.
General Project of National Social Science Fund, Research on the Influence of Family Children's Parenting Cost on Fertility Intention and Behavior under the Comprehensive two-child policy, 2017.
Human Behavior and Social Environment
Social Research Methods
An Introduction to Sociology
Professional Thesis Writing
Academics Projects
The 4th KOSTAS-UNFPA Summer Seminar on Population Workshop on “Demography with R” in Busan, the Republic of Korea in August 2017.
The 3rd KOSTAS-UNFPA Summer Seminar on Population Workshop on “Migration Analysis with Own Data” in Daejeon, the Republic of Korea in August 2016.