From April 9 to May 7, 2021, Doug reed, assistant professor of the Philosophy Department of the University of Rhode Island, the United States, was invited to open an international demonstration base for teachers and students of the College of Philosophy and Sociology and overseas high-quality courses "Socratic Philosophy in Plato’s Early Dialogues" through Tencent conference platform.

Professor Reed mainly focused on Plato's Apology, Meno, Protagoras, and Euthyphro in five lessons. In the first lesson, Professor Reed introduced the necessity of paying attention to Socrates' philosophy and Socrates' Philosophical mission, the virtues Socrates cares about and whether they can be taught, what is wisdom and happy life, which are still closely related to us in modern times, and let us understand Socrates' view of the limitation of human knowledge; In the second lesson, the professor introduced Socrates' method of practice, which led us to realize the necessity of using clear concepts and reflecting on our own beliefs; In the third lesson, the professor showed us to discuss the possible relationship among wisdom, virtue and happiness; In the fourth lesson, the professor led us to discuss whether people willingly to do wrong things, and what roles of good, benefit and desire may be in behavior; In the fifth class, the professor put forward the puzzle in Socrates' claim that "virtue is wisdom, wisdom can be taught, but virtue cannot be taught", which led us to continue to pay attention to the problem of virtue.
In teaching, the professor and students cooperated actively. During and after each lesson, students were eager to ask questions. Professor Reed patiently answered the questions and gave positive encouragement. These courses have provided a logical and open perspective to review Socrates' philosophy.