The exchange program lasted for a month and a half, which was aimed at enhancing our academic qualifications. A series of lectures were conducted and numerous discussions were made. They taught me not only practical skills such as how to made an effective presentation and a critique but also some capabilities including the courage to ask questions. I have acquired a lot during this precious time. The program is considered an unforgettable experience for me.
In terms of the contents I have gained, what I can list will be too many. There was adequate and effective information in every lecture, where I always had to make every effort to remember and understand the helpful knowledge. By means of concentrating and taking notes, my academic skills have been improved to a great degree. Furthermore, in my own presentation and academic writing, I thought the knowledge showed in the lectures was quite useful. The true worth of academic qualifications lies in practice. Ultimately, I can use the capabilities acquired in the program in my following study period, which will be of significance in my future development.
There was no denying that the process of the learning and practicing was quite hard. For me, the first and the most confusing barrier was the problem of language. I have difficulty in understanding other’s English as well as speaking, which made me somewhat frustrated at the beginning. However, after several lectures and discussions, I started to go out of my comfort zone and tried to ask questions. This experience of overcoming difficulties will offer me constant confidence.
Besides the knowledge and the capabilities, I could feel warmth from the professors, administrators, classmates and my group members. They provided me with unselfish help when I had any problems. With these lovely people, I really enjoy the program and appreciate their assistance.