I have gained a lot from this project through about two months of study, both in terms of the knowledge and thinking of political philosophy and in terms of improving my English language skills.
This is a small, but extremely knowledgeable course. I chose a course in the direction of political philosophy. I had not studied political philosophy prior to my involvement in this project. For the philosophers and philosophical texts covered in this course, I had basically only been exposed to them within the field of the history of Western philosophy or moral philosophy. But during the two months I read a large number of texts in English almost every week to familiarise myself with the content of the course. It might even be said that the existence of the course was a major incentive for me to read. Besides, the weekly summaries and the essay of the course have exercised my thinking skills, which are also important for improving my philosophical ability.
As well, I am very grateful that this course has given me the opportunity to try and hone my English language skills. Speaking English has always been a big challenge for me and I am very afraid of communicating with people verbally in English, especially within the philosophy profession. After this course, although I am still not able to express my thoughts in English fully fluently and accurately, my ability in this area has improved greatly. I am also aware of the gaps in my knowledge reserve in the process of learning and am prepared to improve in my future studies.