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日期:2010-05-04 点击数: 来源:


为提升我院哲学学科的国际交流,推进伦理学与科学哲学的教学研究与学科建设,我院特邀请奥地利萨尔兹堡大学哲学系资深教授杰哈德·泽查先生(Gerhard ZECHA,从事伦理学、科学哲学研究,国际知名哲学学者,在欧美多所著名大学担任教授),为我院师生讲学两个月(5月10日—7月6日),开设伦理学与科学哲学的专题研究课程,促进我院师生与国外学者直接的学术交流,提高我院师生的学术对话能力。



课程安排 (51076,每周一、周四上午8:00—11:30,三教207)



1st week:The classical method of scientific research in Europe (historical development)

• Greek origins: Plato and Aristotle

• Skeptical arguments (“Nothing can be known”)

• Modern revision: The Vienna Circle

• Further developments

2nd week:Critique of the classical method

• Sir Karl Popper (life and work)

• Critique of neo-positivism, of dialectics, of discourse theory

• Critical Rationalism and the Principle of Falsification

• The necessity of criticism in the sciences, in the humanities (e.g. theory of

education), in political philosophy, in ethics

3rd week:The development of the critical method

• The concept of problem; problem solving techniques

• The concept of criticism

• The method of criticism (an algorithm)

• The ethics of criticism

4th week:The application of the critical method

• “All life is problem solving”

• A new attitude towards errors and mistakes

• Consequences in ethics and beyond

• The objectivity of scientific research: a new perspective



1st week:The development of moral reasoning in Europe

• Ethics in Ancient Times: The Greek beginnings (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, the Stoics, the Skeptics)

• Ethics in the Middle Ages: The Great Teachers (St. Augustine, Abaelard, and St. Thomas Aquinas)

• Ethics in the Age of Enlightenment: Liberté, egalité, fraternité

• Ethical pluralism and relativism; the 20th century

2nd week:The re-structuring of moral reasoning in Europe

• Modes and problems of justification

• Meta-ethics: Cognitivism vs. non-cognitivism

• The Is-Ought problem: logical considerations

• The consequences: “Objective”, value free sciences

3rd week:The justification of moral reasoning

• Value theories: monistic (Epicurus, Albert Schweitzer), pluralistic (Aristotle, Mario Bunge)

• Natural Right theories: anthropological foundations, principles

• Teleological theories (consequentialism): egotism, altruism, the varieties of utilitarianism

• Deontological theories: Golden Rule ethics, Agapism (the ethics of love), the Categorical Imperative (Immanuel Kant)

4th week:The application of moral reasoning

• Ethics and human life (from the beginning to the end)

• Ethics in the world of economics

• Ethics in modern media (especially internet)

• Ethics and science



Name: Gerhard ZECHA

Place & Date of Birth: Innsbruck, Austria; July 2, 1942

Citizenship: Austria

Work Address: Institut für Philosophie, Universität Salzburg

Franziskanergasse 1, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria, Europe


Teachers' Training College Innsbruck, Austria 1958-62

University of Innsbruck: Education, Psychology 1964-66

University of Salzburg: Education, Philosophy; Dr. phil. 1966-68

International Research Center Salzburg, Research Fellow 1969-72

University of Konstanz, Germany: A.v.Humboldt Research Fellow 1975-76

University of Salzburg: Habilitation (Philosophy/Education) 1977


Elementary School Teacher, Dorf/Längenfeld, Tyrol, Austria 1962-64

Secondary School Teacher, Innsbruck, Austria 1964-65

Adj. Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Portland,

Oregon, USA: Salzburg Culture Program 1968 - present

Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Salzburg 1972-80

Lecturer, Department of Education, University of Salzburg 1977 - present

Professor of Philosophy, Dept. of Phil., Univ. of Salzburg 1980 - present

Guest Lecturer, University of Fribourg, Switzerland 1980-81

Director, Research Unit of the Humanities of the

International Research Center Salzburg 1984 - present

Guest Professor, University of South Africa, Pretoria, RSA 1984

Head of Department (Philosophy), University of Salzburg 1985-87

Visiting Professor, University of California, Irvine, USA 1987-88

Guest Professor, Centre Universitaire, Luxembourg 1989, 1992, 1996

Head of Department (Philosophy), University of Salzburg 1989-1994

Visiting Professor, Univ. of the Orange Free State, South Africa 1993

Various lectures in Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany 1994/1995

Guest Lecturer, Potchefstroom University, South Africa 1996

Guest Professor, Centre Universitaire, Luxembourg 1999, 2000

Head of Department (Philosophy), University of Salzburg 1999 - 2001

Member, International Network CULTMEDIA, research on problems of global communication and culture today 2002 - present

Visiting professor, Stellenbosch University, South Africa 2004

Various lectures in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Germany and China 2005 - 2007

Official retirement from the University of Salzburg October 1, 2007

Current and ongoing areas of specialization: History of Austrian philosophy, philosophy of science, theory of values, ethics, philosophy of education, didactics of philosophy.
