Male, Doctor of Engineering. Currently, he is a lectureship in the Department of Psychology at Jilin University. At the same time, he is also a researcher of the Natural Science Research Department of Okayama University, Japan, and a Senior Member of the Japan Vascular Cognitive Impairment Research Association. What’s more, he also works for the International Journal “Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering” as a special reviewer and a committee of the International Compound Medical Engineering Conference.
Research Interests
He used cognitive neuroscience methods such as psychophysics, ERP, and fMRI to study the neural mechanism of attention and cross-channel perception. And he also hosted over and participated in some national or provincial and ministerial research projects and the research results which were mainly published in foreign academic journals, such as Neuro Report, Journal of Information, Neuroscience Letters, PLoS One and other. Currently, he has published more than 20 academic papers in SCI, EI, and other journals.
1. Yulin Gao, Qi Li, Weiping Yang, Jingjing Yang, Xiaoyu Tang, Jinglong Wu, Effects of ipsilateral, and bilateral auditory stimuli on audiovisual integration: A Behavioral and Event-related Potential Study,Neuro Report,2014,25(9):668-675.
2. Xiaoyu Tang, Chunlin Li, Qi Li, Yulin Gao, Weiping Yang, Jingjing Yan, Soushirou Ishikawa, Jinglong Wu, Modulation of Auditory Stimulus Processing by Visual Spatial or Temporal Cue: An Event-related Potentials Study, Neuroscience Letters, 2013, 0(553), 40-45.
3. Weiping Yang, Qi Li, Tatsuya Ochi, Jingjing Yang, Yulin Gao, Xiaoyu Tan, Satoshi Takahashi, Jinglong Wu, Effects of Auditory Stimuli in the Horizontal Plane on Audiovisual Integration: An Event-related Potential Study, PLoS One, 2013, 8 (6):192-201.
4. Yulin Gao, Chunlin Li, Qi Li, Weiping Yang, Xiaoyu Tang, Jingjing Yang, Ishikawa Soushirou, Jinglong Wu, Effect of Endogenous Temporal Attention on Audiovisual Stimuli Processing: An Event-related Potentials Study, Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering, 2013, 2(9), 426-431.
5. Jinglong Wu, Weiping Yang, Yulin Gao, Takahiro Kimura, Age-related Multisensory Integration Elicited by Peripherally Presented Audiovisual Stimuli, Neuro Report, 2012, 23(10),616-620.
6. Qi Li, Jingjing Yang, Yulin Gao*. Unpredictable Auditory Spatial Information Modulates Spatial-Congruent Audiovisual Integration. Journal of Information, Accept.
1. Weiping Yang, Yulin Gao, Jinglong Wu, Effects of Selective and Divided Attention on Audiovisual Interaction, IGI Global, 2012.
2. Jingjing Yang, Qi Li, Yulin Gao, Jinglong Wu, Temporal Dependency of Multisensory Audiovisual Integration, IGI Global, 2012.
3. Yulin Gao, Weiping Yang, Jingjing Yang, Satoshi Takahashi, Jinglong Wu, Neural Mechanisms of Audiovisual Integration in Integrated Processing for Verbal Perception and Spatial Factors, IGI Global, 2012.
4. Xiaoyu Tang, Yulin Gao, Weiping Yang, Ming Zhang, Jinglong Wu, Audiovisual Integration of Natural Auditory and Visual Stimuli in the Real-World Situation, IGI Global, 2012.