Email: taiyang5450@163.com
Zhao Taiyang, male, was born in 1987, a member of the postdoctoral program in the Department of Psychology, School of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Jilin University. 2006-2010: He did his undergraduate degree in Applied Psychology at the School of Philosophy and Sociology, Jilin University.
2012: He received his master's degree in Applied Psychology at the School of Philosophy and Sociology, Jilin University.
2018: He did his Ph.D. under the supervision of Professor Xiaotong Jin at Business School, Jilin University.
Since 2018: He has been Post-doctorate faculty at the School of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Jilin University, and his Cooperative Supervisor are Professor Yipeng Tian.
Research Interests
Consumer Psychology, Social Psychology.
[1] Taiyang Zhao, Xiaotong Jin*, Wei Xu, Xiaomeng Zuo, and Hongjing Cui. How a Perceived Status Change Increase Consumers’ Tendency Toward Consumption through Double Psychological Mechanisms[J]. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 2018, 21(1-2): 65-73 (SSCI).
[2] Taiyang Zhao, Xiaotong Jin*, Wei Song, Hongjing Cui, and Jianlue Ding. Mating Goals Moderate Power’s Effect on Conspicuous Consumption Among Women[J]. Evolutionary Psychology, 2017, 15(3): 1-8 (SSCI ).
[3] Taiyang Zhao, Wei Song, Xiaotong Jin, Hongjing Cui, and Yang Li*. Hedonism or Self-growth? The Influence of Perceived Control on Individual Product Preferences for Individuals Under Self-Threat [J], Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, ahead-of-print(2020), https://doi.org/10.1108/APJML -02-2019-0072 (SSCI).
[4] Hongjing Cui, Taiyang Zhao*, Slawomir Smyczek, Yajun Sheng, Ming Xu, and Xiao Yang. Dual-Path Effects of Self-Worth on Status Consumption: Evidence from Chinese Consumers[J], Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, ahead-of-print (2020), https://doi.org/10.1108/APJML-06-2019-0364 (SSCI).
[5] Hongjing Cui, Kim Shyan Fam*, Taiyang Zhao, Wei Xu, and Cheng Han. How to Save the Wounded Self: Power Distance Belief’s Moderation of Self—Identity Threat and Status-related Consumption[J]. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2020, 19(1):3-12(SSCI).
[6] Wei Song, Xiaotong Jin, Jian Gao*, and Taiyang Zhao. Will Buying Follow Others Ease Their Threat of Death? An Analysis of Consumer Data During the Period of COVID-19 in China[J], International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17, 3215(SSCI).
[7] Hongjing Cui, Kim Shyan Fam*, and Taiyang Zhao. Regulatory Focus and Message Framing’s Effects on Intention to Consume Ethnic Food in China[J]. British Food Journal, 2019,122(6):1969-1982(SCI).
[1] National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Project: Research on the Influence Mechanism of Self-threat Based on the Meaning Maintenance Model on Consumers’ Experienced Consumption Preference (71902069).
[2] The later project funded by the National Social Science Foundation: Research on the Influence of Controlling on Consumers’ Commodity Choice Preference and Consumption Intention Under Self-threatening Situation (19FGLY006).
[3] General Program of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: Research on the Interactive Mechanism of Psychological Needs of Consumer Experiential Consumption and Marketing Context (2019M651231).
[4] Jilin Province Social Science Foundation Project: Rural Revitalization and Rationalization of Rural Residents' Consumption Behavior in Jilin Province (2019c31).